An incredibly light burnished titanium frame characterises these aviator style sunglasses, trasnforming the timeless design into an ultra modern and distinctive style. Grey polarised lenses.

Classic rounded sunglasses in havana acetate and semi-matte burnished titanium, resulting in an ultralight yet particularly resistant style. A subtle Intrecciato motif is engraved around the titanium edges and decorates the tips of the slim temples. The Bottega Veneta logo is featured on the inside of the temple. Dark brown lenses. This unique design combines an effortless, retro taste with modern materials and impeccable attention to detail.

BOTTEGA VENETA 精湛工藝 · 時尚典雅
擁有卓越,高品質的工匠技術, Bottega Veneta 自1966年來為精品界建立了全新的標準。由義大利頂級材質及工匠製作,強調細節的高水準完美呈現品牌核心價值。

而Bottega Veneta眼鏡系列提供經典,優雅的設計,並以品牌的以引為傲的皮革材質彰顯卓越品質的高水準。鏡框皆由日本及義大利手工製作, 經由扎實的傳統工藝為主及現代的科技為輔製成,每支鏡框皆是恆久的品質保證 。


經典圓框太陽眼鏡,哈瓦那樹脂和半啞光拋光鈦金屬,質感超輕,耐磨實用。優雅精緻的編織細節鐫刻於鈦金屬邊緣,及纖細鏡腳套。 Bottega Veneta品牌標識鐫刻於鏡腳內側。深棕色鏡片。獨樹一幟的複古設計,結合現代材質,於細節處更顯奢華。